Our results
Throughout the project, the partners are working on creating the following results:
Needs Analysis
A needs analysis and networking report, raising awareness about the issues and isolation of young mothers in all partners countries and to present stakeholders and other organisations with art as a tool for empowerment and connections between young mothers. The needs analysis will include information on the current situation of young mothers in each partner country and what kind of support they receive. It will also include an analysis of their needs and concerns to guarantee the development of a suitable training programme in the other results.
Training Programme
A curriculum, training programme and open educational resources, focusing on the ideas of using art as a tool of empowerment for young mothers in the partner countries and to enhance their employability. The curriculum will cover both in-person training and teaching materials as well as provide all its content on the platform and will be adapted to an online training for future use. The training will be implemented with young mothers, aged 18 to 30, in all countries.
Community & groups
The central training platform is the NTC website and OER database that is accessible to all grassroot groups of young mothers and relevant stakeholders. The partnership aimed at creating community platforms as well within their country. Although platforms for young mothers were set up in relation to the pilot training these platforms did not quite meet the objectives initially defined so instead partners put more emphasis on identifying and promoting project results on existing platforms and forums organized either by mothers themselves or initiatives run by key stakeholders like community centers, welfare services or organizations like open preschools.